About the Stir Crazy Book I did these drawings while working as a standby painter on the movie, Stir Crazy. Stir Crazy was directed by Sidney Poitier and starred Richard Prior and Gene Wilder. As the film neared completion, I collected the individual drawings and compiled them into a book. We were filming on location at the Harold Lloyd estate on the […]

For several days I’ve been cataloging, organizing, image-correcting and all those other things necessary to present drawings for the Hollywood Backlots series. I’ve finally been able to figure out where I was (the lot, or location) and what show I was working on…for the most part. Unfortunately, I did not always date the drawings. Fortunately, after 10, 20 […]
We had paint crews in several locations in Detroit while working on the movie, 8 Mile staring Eminem. During the time the Detroit Stamping Plant was being prepped for filming, I was working in a trailer park located on 8 Mile Road, which was the dividing line of the have’s from the have-nots. One of my co-workers […]